Cari Produk

Tips to quit smoking

Definitions of smoking
smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence and disorders of pregnancy and fetal...

just to the point.....

1)  Intention to quit smoking
2) Change of mind or thinking about cigarettes or in other
    words do not even think about cigarettes.
3) Cigarette factory closes
4) Changes in smoking habits and the way
5) Changes in lifestyle and relationship that exist in your neighborhood..
6) Exercise every day or just by walking
7) Find like-minded people
8) Problems consult your doctor
    So thank you.....
Definitions of smoking
smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence and disorders of pregnancy and fetal...

just to the point.....

1)  Intention to quit smoking
2) Change of mind or thinking about cigarettes or in other
    words do not even think about cigarettes.
3) Cigarette factory closes
4) Changes in smoking habits and the way
5) Changes in lifestyle and relationship that exist in your neighborhood..
6) Exercise every day or just by walking
7) Find like-minded people
8) Problems consult your doctor
    So thank you.....

How to make my blog by using blogspot

Definitions according to my Blog
Blog is a website that allows you to post, advertise and much more things that are contained in the blog. 

how to make my blog by using blogspot 
1) Before signing up to create a blog on blogspot, there are important things 
    you must know.Ie you must have an active email address.  
    because by the time you'll have to register at blogspot e-mail fields are required.  
    If not filled, then you will not be able to create a blog on blogspot.

2) If you've made and have email, please go to the address on the site
    url (http://,
it will show a bleak picture below.

     then select or click to get start.

3) Then fill and fill out the registration on the blogspot blog creation, 
     so that its contents as I demonstrated, as shown below.

    picture above is just an example, to adjust it with the data you have...
    if it is filled with all the orange and then click the arrow button Continue

4) Once you click continue, then will show a page form to complete the blog title
    and blog address

    Fill in the Title Column Blog and blog address in accordance with your wishes.
    To find others already in use or not Just click the button "check availability" if 
    you have not used another person, then underneath it will appear in green text 
    that reads this blog address is available.

    if it has been done to determine the title and address of the blog
    please click the continue button.....

5)  Once you click continue, then will show a page to determine the theme 
      or template of your blog....

     To select a template just click one. then click the proceed button.
     Having clicked the Continue button at the top, it means that your blog is so,  
     it's just that there is no article at all. To give the article the first time
     please click the Start Blogging ....... 

    good luck frieeeeends.....

Definitions according to my Blog
Blog is a website that allows you to post, advertise and much more things that are contained in the blog. 

how to make my blog by using blogspot 
1) Before signing up to create a blog on blogspot, there are important things 
    you must know.Ie you must have an active email address.  
    because by the time you'll have to register at blogspot e-mail fields are required.  
    If not filled, then you will not be able to create a blog on blogspot.

2) If you've made and have email, please go to the address on the site
    url (http://,
it will show a bleak picture below.

     then select or click to get start.

3) Then fill and fill out the registration on the blogspot blog creation, 
     so that its contents as I demonstrated, as shown below.

    picture above is just an example, to adjust it with the data you have...
    if it is filled with all the orange and then click the arrow button Continue

4) Once you click continue, then will show a page form to complete the blog title
    and blog address

    Fill in the Title Column Blog and blog address in accordance with your wishes.
    To find others already in use or not Just click the button "check availability" if 
    you have not used another person, then underneath it will appear in green text 
    that reads this blog address is available.

    if it has been done to determine the title and address of the blog
    please click the continue button.....

5)  Once you click continue, then will show a page to determine the theme 
      or template of your blog....

     To select a template just click one. then click the proceed button.
     Having clicked the Continue button at the top, it means that your blog is so,  
     it's just that there is no article at all. To give the article the first time
     please click the Start Blogging ....... 

    good luck frieeeeends.....

How to create a colorful blog title

1) Login to
2) Choose Design> Page Elements> Add gadget (HTML / JavaScript).
3) Copy the code below and paste javascript gadget.
     <script src=''/>
4)  Done and please diliat results.
5)  Another is a friend to put this script in the template exactly the above code <body>
     by going to the Edit menu HTML, place the script and save your template.
6)  Please try good luck 
1) Login to
2) Choose Design> Page Elements> Add gadget (HTML / JavaScript).
3) Copy the code below and paste javascript gadget.
     <script src=''/>
4)  Done and please diliat results.
5)  Another is a friend to put this script in the template exactly the above code <body>
     by going to the Edit menu HTML, place the script and save your template.
6)  Please try good luck 

How to Install Libre Office in BackTrack

Okay then this is install Libre Office in Back|Track5 ....
just let your visitors are not as pressing the cross in the top right corner of your browser. LoL.
1.       by default add-apt-repository has been installed in Back|Track5 then to set it up....
type the command on your console okey...
root@bt:~# apt-get install python-software-properties
2.      type a command at the console you then after successfully installed, then you must add,through a PPA repository with the command...
root@bt:~# add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
3.      After the update respository with the command...
root@bt:~# apt-get update
4.      And last but install LibreOffice and dekstop integrasion on Back|Track5
root@bt:~#apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-gnome
End & Enjoy guys….
Okay then this is install Libre Office in Back|Track5 ....
just let your visitors are not as pressing the cross in the top right corner of your browser. LoL.
1.       by default add-apt-repository has been installed in Back|Track5 then to set it up....
type the command on your console okey...
root@bt:~# apt-get install python-software-properties
2.      type a command at the console you then after successfully installed, then you must add,through a PPA repository with the command...
root@bt:~# add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
3.      After the update respository with the command...
root@bt:~# apt-get update
4.      And last but install LibreOffice and dekstop integrasion on Back|Track5
root@bt:~#apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-gnome
End & Enjoy guys….
2012 Jersey Grade Ori Murah | Blogger Templates for HostGator Coupon Code Sponsors: WooThemes Coupon Code, Rockable Press Discount Code | Distributed By: BloggerBulk